Sudha murthy books for young children
Childhood Development & Learning

7 Best books for your 6 year olds

 7 inspiring books for your six or seven  year old girls!

Ever since little ‘A’ was born, I made sure she had the 7 best books around her. Being an avid reader myself, I began reading to her even while I was still carrying her inside me. Early childhood education starts from the very beginning and picture books kept her occupied all through her first few months. Books amaze their young minds and bring a sparkle to their eyes. Research tells us, reading out loud to your babies not only helps boost their brain cells and increases attention span. But also teaches them communication by developing their listening skills, enhances their vocabulary and sharpens memory. Select the right kind of book and you will be helping your child learn numbers, letters, colors, texture, patterns, sounds, shapes and more in a fun way!

Reading habits go a long way for kids – Inspiring story books for grade 1

As I mentioned earlier, reading habits are a great way to learn and as the little one grew so did her library and things that she learnt from the books. Books sometimes became a gateway to a different world sparking her imagination and sometimes create curiousness leading to firing of questions but most times they inspire and help built her character little by little. Of late books are even helping me deal with many complex issues mommies struggle to put across in these times. So here is the list of 7 best books for my 6 year old girl. Maybe yours too!

Sudha Murthy books

For her 5th birthday I got her ‘Grandma’s bag of Story’ by Sudha Murthy. While I was in two minds as to whether it was too aspirational as the book didn’t have many pictures, she instantly took love to the book. Every night she would ask me to read a chapter and soon she was reading the book independently by the time she was six. She has collected two more of them ‘Grandparent’s bag of stories’ and the ‘Magic drum’. These books are a collection of short stories with moral values grounded in the traditional set-up of Indian culture. While a lot of things in book brings nostalgia for a 90’s kid there is also a refreshing take as each and every story leads to some new learning.

Sudha murthy books for young children
Sudha Murthy books for young readers

The Bug Girl

This is by far one of the most loved books for little A and has genuinely inspired her in many ways. The fact that its a true story written by Sophia Spencer herself, ‘The Bug Girl’ who created a social media sensation with her love for bugs and normalized passion for things you truly love, is something.

The book revolves around a little girl and her passion for learning about bugs and the challenges it brings for her at her school and how she overcomes them. It a story of passion and courage of a girl and her journey to become the youngest entomologist. This book can inspire many young boys and girls. It talks about great things yet in a fun, kid friendly way that girls love it. My little one has been so inspired with this that she has started observing bugs around her and even asking other to not hurt them or kill them. That’s something now! isn’t it?

Best inspiring stories for little girls - The bug girl
The Bug Girl- a true story

Brown like dosas, samosas and sticky chikki

If ever a book has helped me deal with a real issue where I was clueless what to do, this was one of the 7 best books. It was when my lo was 2.5 when she started observing that everyone around had different skin colour! Thanks to the peer group back then, she started associating brown skin colour with a dislike. It was only when one fine day she came and told me that she likes our house help but doesn’t like her skin colour that’s dark, that I realized I had to deal with this very tactfully yet urgently.

I had heard about this book about a little girl called Samaira who was being tempted by an angel to change her skin colour but she staunchly denied, mentioning that she loved her earthen skin colour. I ordered it online, and together we read it. Soon Samaira’s perspective of how different people have different shades, and Indian skin tones are so varied and vibrant was understood easily by my lo. It became our favorite book to read at bedtime.

Brown like dosas, samosas and sticky chikki children's book on social cause and inclusiveness
Brown like dosas, samosas and sticky chikki


Another real life stories based book that addresses ‘gender bais’ in a very subtle manner. This book takes a step away from the concept of ‘damsel in distress’ highlighted by the ‘Disney princess books’. It provides young girls with real role models to look up towards rather than a perfectly looking fictional character. With real stories of iconic heroines like ‘Amrita shergill’, ‘P T Usha’, ‘Shakuntaladevi’ ‘Bachendri Pal’ and many more, its worth it. Its sold by its official handle on Instagram and I came across it through a fellow parent blogger. Go ahead and buy your copy from its official handle @strongirly_stories (*not sponsored*) and thank me later.

Inspirational Stories of successful women for young girls Strongirly

Charlotte’s Web

This wonderful story by the successful author ‘E B White’ needs no introduction. Its a story about friendships and humanity and human relationships through animals. Its about a pig Wilbur and the courageous Charlotte who decides to save his life. Even though it hardly had any pictures through out the chapters my little one seemed so interested in it that she read it almost daily till she finally finished it on her last vacation.

Charlottes web - Best books for young readers
Charlottes web – Inspiring story books for young readers

The secret explorers

I got recommendation of this book from a fellow passionate mommy and teacher friend whose daughter is same age as mine. The book revolves around a group of kids who are on a mission to work on different causes as they explore new things. Its definitely a mini version of ‘The magic school bus’. There is a range of these books of their different adventures. I have got the ‘Rain forest rangers’ one for that explores different aspects of a forest. Its a mystery book with educational content, seems like a win win!

Secret explorers and the rainforest rangers - best books for young kids
Secret Explorers

Little Kids First big book of How

This book by Jil Esbaum explores many science facts with vibrant colorful pictures. Its a great book on how things work and an asset for young Science explorers. My little one keeps learning new things from it everyday and shares the fun facts with me.

First big book of how - Inspiring books for 6 year olds
Frist big book of How

Hamida K

Hello! I am Hami Keshwani, Owner and Editor in Chief of this Blog! I have been blogging since 2011 and babyhube is my first baby. Know more about me in the about us page!

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